Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Reveal!

The newly-renovated school lounge in the Kindergarten hall was officially unveiled at an open house prior to the PTA meeting on Tuesday night. Thank you to Mrs. Counts and Mrs. Lancaster for hosting and providing refreshments. And of course we thank them for spear-heading and championing this project from conception to completion!

Mrs. Counts and Lancaster are seen below in the completed lounge. The wreath they are holding will adorn the wall in the lounge soon.

The lounge renovation was one of the special projects voted upon at the 1/29/09 PTA meeting. $600 was allocated for this project, and that along with donations and a lot of elbow grease are what made the project happen!

Mrs. Counts and Mrs. Lancaster would like to thank the following people for supporting the lounge renovation project through their donations and hard work:

Cheryl Gray
Doris Benton
Arville Adams
Tim Cross
Tammy Orton
Peggy Hatcher

We would also like to thank the following businesses for their generous donations toward the lounge project:

Wilmer Duncan Upholstery
Sherwin Williams

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