Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Third Grade Holiday Service Project

Over the years, the third grade classes have chosen to help someone in need rather than do a classroom gift exchange. This year's third grade is providing some much-needed help to the Kitchen of Hope in downtown Kingsport. A recent article in the Times-News highlighted the struggles that Kitchen of Hope is facing, with costs increasing and donations decreasing, all at a time when more people than ever are in need. The Kitchen of Hope was founded and is run by Mrs. Geraldine Swagerty through the Full Gospel Mission Church on Sevier Avenue. The kitchen serves a meal at 3:30 each afternoon to between 65-125 people, from elderly folks down to children of 2 or 3 years old. Our big-hearted third graders will be bringing in food items, paper products, and monetary donations, all of which will be presented by them to Mrs. Swagerty on the afternoon of Monday, December 15th.

Third graders, we are very proud of you and thankful to your teachers for encouraging you in this very worthwhile service project.

Thanks to Mrs. Counts for providing the information for this post!

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