Thankfully the weather let up long enough for us to hold our annual Teacher/Staff Appreciation Luncheon on Friday, February 12th.
Thank you to every person who sent in a donation, donated a door prize or dessert, sat with the classes, helped with setup, serving, and cleanup, and all the other jobs it takes to put on our fabulous luncheon! And of course many thanks to our organizing committee: Kim Barker, Marilyn Cotter, Keesha Phillips, and Lisa Dugger. See below for pictures of the event!
Close-ups of our beautiful table decor...

Putting the finishing touches on everything...

What a great spread! Braeden's Barbecue catered the main meal, and parents brought in scrumptious desserts. Madagascar provided some really delicious coffee!

The teachers and staff enjoyed a well-deserved time of relaxation and fellowship with each other...

Everyone was invited to "cast your heart" for door prizes...

Two of our lucky winners!!

(Mrs. Olinger)

(Ms. Sparks)
Thanks again to all who made this wonderful day possible for our teachers!
I would like to let each of you know how blessed I am to work in a place where parents are as supportive and giving as you are. It is a joy and a privilege to teach your chidren, but it is
always nice to be appreciated. Thank you for your dedication to not just your children, but to the teachers and school as well.
Rebecca Jessee
Dear PTA,
Thanks so much for the wonderful luncheon! It is such a treat to get to relax with colleagues in the middle of a school day and know that our classes are in the capable hands of the "brave" volunteers. Thanks to all who helped in any way! It was fun!!
Kathy Craft
I cannot say enough about our great PTA and the wonderful luncheon! Thank you to all the parents who donated their time, money, and hard work to make Friday so special. The teachers at ISE look forward to our luncheon like our students look forward to "party days". I am sincerely appreciative of all our PTA does for us!
Kerry Lancaster
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