TEAM / ALTERNATE members are: Elijah Cox, Amanda Maine, Abby Rose Van Buren, Dylan Powell, Hallie Miracle, and Austin Bullis.
Competition was held Thursday, April 28 at NE State.
Regional Competition will be held May 11 in Knoxville. GO INDIAN SPRINGS GO!
A special thanks to Vickie Cox for practicing after school with this team.
Our ISES TEAM / ALTERNATES / SUPPORTERS include: Clay Ramsey, Bethany Welty, Erica Perez, Haden Wallen, CJ Hess, Austin Monds, Sadie King, Ross Beverly, and Olivia Lovelace. Thank you ,also, to Catrina Fletcher for cheering us on!!
Each 4th grade teacher is proud of your team effort!!
(submitted by Mrs. Calhoun)