Saturday, February 28, 2009
St. Jude's Math-a-thon Success!
Thanks to all of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students who participated in the recent St. Jude's Math-a-thon. Not only did these students get some excellent practice on their math skills, they also raised a whopping $2946 for St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital. We do have some members of our Indian Springs family who are under the care of St. Jude's, so our support of their programs benefits us close to home as well. Thanks to all who contributed!

Monday, February 16, 2009
Be Sure to Link Up!
Please be sure to link your Food City Value Card to Indian Springs! Our point totals are way down this year. There may have been some confusion about the need to re-link last fall. Please go ahead and link your card and do as much of your shopping as you can at Food City between now and April 4, when the program ends! You can also ask your friends, neighbors, and family to link their cards to Indian Springs. We will need their extra help to catch up to where we need to be!

Thursday, February 12, 2009
A Four-Peat for ISE!!!
We recently congratulated Mrs. Jamie Robinette, who was chosen as Indian Springs Teacher of the Year. Mrs. Robinette went on to the Sullivan County competition and we are thrilled to report that she won the county competition as well! Mrs. Robinette is now the Sullivan County Elementary Teacher of the Year. She will now proceed on to the State level of competition. Good luck Mrs. Robinette!

Did you know that this makes FOUR YEARS in a row, and FIVE overall, that an Indian Springs teacher has been selected as Sullivan County Elementary Teacher of the Year? That's a pretty amazing record! From left to right below, Mrs. Conrad (1st grade) won in 2008, Mrs. Calhoun (4th grade, social studies) won in 2007, Ms. Sparks (5th grade, science) won in 2006, and Mrs. Webb (Art) won in 1995.

We are so proud of all of our outstanding teachers!!
Did you know that this makes FOUR YEARS in a row, and FIVE overall, that an Indian Springs teacher has been selected as Sullivan County Elementary Teacher of the Year? That's a pretty amazing record! From left to right below, Mrs. Conrad (1st grade) won in 2008, Mrs. Calhoun (4th grade, social studies) won in 2007, Ms. Sparks (5th grade, science) won in 2006, and Mrs. Webb (Art) won in 1995.
We are so proud of all of our outstanding teachers!!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Wow! Central Key Club Wins 3rd in International Competition!
If you were at Indian Springs last year, you may remember the Health Fair that Sullivan Central's Key Club hosted at our school in February. Did you know that the Key Club won a major award for that event? In a competition between Key Club service projects, Central's club won 1st place at the Kentucky-Tennessee District Convention, and then went on to win 3rd place at the International Convention for Key Clubs in Denver. This Convention included entries from 5,000 other key clubs from around the world. Click here for the complete article as originally published by TriCities News. Congratulations to the Key Club! We are proud to have been a part of their very successful event.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Hearts for the House Campaign Extended to Feb. 20.
Due to the snow week last week, the Hearts for the House campaign has been extended to February 20th. A red flyer came home several days ago about Hearts for the House, which is a fundraising drive to support Ronald McDonald's House. Please note that the heart on the back of this flyer is just an example. For every $1 a child brings in for Hearts for the House, a red heart will be hung in the school in his/her name. We look forward to an impressive chain of hearts running through our school hallways as this drive progresses!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Congratulations to Mrs. Jamie Robinette, the recently-selected winner of Indian Springs Elementary Teacher of the Year! Mrs. Robinette teaches 4th grade math and is highly deserving of this honor. Please take a moment to congratulate her!

In case you are not familiar with the Teacher of the Year Program, it begins at the individual school level, then proceeds to the county level, advancing to the state level, and finally to the national level. Each year at Indian Springs, the teachers nominate their peers and then vote to select the Indian Springs Elementary Teacher of the Year winner. Winners from each school enter the Sullivan County contest, which is based upon a written application from each contestant. The County winners progress on to the state level of competition.
Good luck Mrs. Robinette! We are very proud of you and all of the teachers of Indian Springs Elementary!
In case you are not familiar with the Teacher of the Year Program, it begins at the individual school level, then proceeds to the county level, advancing to the state level, and finally to the national level. Each year at Indian Springs, the teachers nominate their peers and then vote to select the Indian Springs Elementary Teacher of the Year winner. Winners from each school enter the Sullivan County contest, which is based upon a written application from each contestant. The County winners progress on to the state level of competition.
Good luck Mrs. Robinette! We are very proud of you and all of the teachers of Indian Springs Elementary!
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